Offices: Casablanca, Tangier, Tunis, Algiers, Paris
Areas of Concentration
Specialized in employment litigation and human resources issues relating to restructurings, Mohamed Oulkhouiradvises a significant number of national and international industrial and commercial groups. Mohamed provides the clients with practical solutions taking into account the company’s interest, with the view of giving them a clear understanding of ever more complex employment laws.
- Legal monitoring of the companies’ life: creation, transformation, modifications, winding-up…
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Joint-ventures
- Restructurings
- Day-to-day legal secretarial work
- Exchange control
Professional background
Mohamed has led several major operations in North Africa, in close collaboration with Moroccan and Tunisian counsel. He also has significant experience in corporate and commercial operations. His experience includes due diligence work and contract negotiation, acquisitions and restructurings, commercial contracts and contractual schemes, notably in the areas of agriculture, energy, transportation and telecommunications in Maghreb.
- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (LL.B Lebanese Law and French maîtrise en droit privé)
- Lebanese State Univ. (Post-Graduate studies in private law)
- Haute école des avocats conseils (HEDAC-CRFPA), France.
- Université Toulouse I Capitole, France (Master 2 de droit international, européen et comparé, spécialité juristeint.)
- University of Huddersfield, UK (LL.M International Law)
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London (Fellow)
Admissions & Professional Activities
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
- Avosial, Employment Law Alliance (ELA)
- Entreprendre Dans La Diversité
French, English, Arabic, Amazigh