Dr. Christian Steiner

Rechtsanwalt (Berlin)
Abogado (Seville)
Managing Partner Maghreb & West Africa

Offices: Algeria | Beirut | Casablanca | Tunisia | Seville

Areas of Concentration

In collaboration with our contact firms at MIDEAST | Law, Dr. Christian Steiner advises on the broad spectrum of cross-border corporate engagement between Europe and the MENA-countries, especially Morocco. This includes risk management in the case of foreign investments, strategies to avoid litigations hazards, compliance and considerations in the field of politics and law.

  • Commercial law
  • Corporate law
  • Joint Ventures, Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Project and Export finance
  • Real Estate law
  • Labour law

Professional background

Dr. Steiner has gathered diverse experience throughout his international career in the areas and intersections of economy, politics, law and civil society. This background is an asset when advice is required both in international cooperation and cross-border corporate projects in States that face significant challenges when it comes to the effectiveness of law, the reliability of public authorities and transparency in corporate competition. After several years of providing advice to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the Legal Department of the Office of the High Representative of the International Community in BiH and its High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, Dr. Steiner helped constitute the international desk at Bores & Cia Law Firm in Seville before founding his own firm with Spanish and Italian colleagues providing legal advice to domestic and international companies and individuals on a variety of cross-border matters from the north of Europe to Morocco. Prior to joining MIDEAST | Law he directed the Latin American Rule of Law Program of the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation, first from Mexico City, later from Bogota (Colombia).

Admissions to the Bar

  • Rechtsanwalt (Berlin, Germany), since 2004
  • Abogado (Seville, Spain), since 2009


Law school at the Universities of Göttingen (Germany), Granada (Spain, Erasmus scholarship) and Freiburg i. Br. (Germany, First State Exam of Law | 1993-1998. Emphasis on European Union Law. Second State Exam of Law | 2001. Emphasis on international public law. PhD of Law (Dr. iur.) at the University Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Frankfurt/M (Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer Hofmann).

Activities and Membership in Professional Associations

  • State Bar Association of Berlin
  • German Federal Bar Association
  • Seville Bar Association, Spain
  • Member of the German-Moroccan Chamber of Commerce (Casablanca)
  • fOrum Sevilla, Association of German Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Directors (Presidency 2007/2008)
  • Honorary Member of the Colombian Centre for Constitutional Procedural Law
  • Member of the Board of the AVRIO International Network of Law Firms (2006)


German, Italian, Spanish, English, French, Serbo-Croat/Bosnian.

Selected Publications

  • “Efforts to Incentivize Foreign Investment in the Maghreb States”. Panel Speaker at the Marrakesh International Justice Conference. October 2019.
  • Country Report Morocco (German). In: Salger/Trittmann (eds.), Internationale Schiedsverfahren (International Arbitration). C.H. Beck, 2019.
  • Real estate acquisition worldwide – legal and fiscal particularities in Morocco (German). Schwerpunktheft Immobilien & Finanzierung zum 2. Internationalen Immobilientag, Mai 2019. 
  • „Arbitration in the MENA region“. Panel Speaker at the CBBL conference. May 2019, Vienna.
  • „Manager liability in Morocco“ (German). Online publication at www.cbbl-lawyers.de. February 2019.
  • Morocco: Amendments introduced by Finance Law 80-2018 for the 2019 financial year (German). Online publication at www.cbbl-lawyers.de, January 2019.
  • “Manager’s liability under Moroccan company law”, Panel Speaker at the CBBL conference. May 2018, Hamburg.
  • Trend of real estate prices in Morocco heterogeneous. The legal framework remains unchanged (German). Online publication at www.cbbl-lawyers.de. April 2018.
  • New double taxation agreement with Tunisia. Status of DTAs with the states of the MENA region (German). Online publication at www.cbbl-lawyers.de. April 2018.
  • New momentum for arbitration in Morocco (German). Online publication at www.cbbl-lawyers.de. April 2018.
  • The Moroccan economy – and its currency – remains stable (German). Online publication at www.cbbl-lawyers.de. March 2018.
  • Land register notice in the event of a partition action in Morocco now protects until the proceedings are concluded (German). Online publication at www.cbbl-lawyers.de. March 2018.
  • Speaker at high level conferences on judicial independence and integrity, organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Rule of Law Program, in Manila (Philippines), Arusha (Tanzania), Bucharest (Romania), and Strasbourg (France). 2017/2018.
  • The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Commentary. Sarajevo 2010 (also published in Bosnian/Serbo-Croat and German).
  • Power struggles in the Dayton framework. The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the driving force for regaining sovereignty?. In: Graf Vitzthum, W./Winkelmann, I. (Hrsg.). Bosnien-Herzegowina im Horizont Europas. Tübinger Schriften zum Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht (2003).